Change is in the air. Can you feel it? Boy, I do. It’s like someone hit the “play” button this year after a little too long on “pause”. I can’t put my finger on exactly what’s changed, I don’t really want to – and I’m not alone.
I asked one of my favourite families to come in for a test shoot yesterday. I want to photograph families differently. As the world becomes more and more beige, everything in me wants to rebel with colour and genuine expression. I can’t wait to share the results and write about it, but this woman 👇, damn, I think she’s my new spirit animal!
Last week I listened to Platon (again). This time, his words fell heaviest here: “Photographers are the ambassadors of our time, we help society pause and get a moment of reflection.” I hadn’t heard this before, even though I’d listened to the same talk about 10 times. It’s a quote that makes me feel differently about my work and I hope to explore it this year.
More Real Please.
Until next time,