Amber Field – Executive Business Support

I felt the “sympatico” with Amber and her family the moment I met them and, thankfully, it was a two-way street. Amber is one of those heady free spirits whose feet are firmly planted in the ground and I love that. When you meet her, you meet her and in today’s buzz-word-filled world, that kind of open authenticity is actually quite rare. She is a complete delight!

I encourage you to read about Amber in this blog post, in her own words.

“I specialise in human-centric Executive business support tailored to impact-led leaders, by combining organisation with connection.”

Tell us a little about what you do for a living?

I provide executive support to service based business owners in Australia. My services encompass
keeping them organised by wrangling schedules, inboxes, prepping for events, through to
membership management and customer service.

How did you start in your business?

My husband left his role as a police officer, and after trying his hand literally working on the land, he
joined the RAAF. When we received our first posting, I applied for so. many. jobs. After my 7th decline
from Coles, I went into the store and asked for the service manager, and handed my resume in over
the counter. Her response immediately was: You’ve left a government job to come to Wagga. No one
chooses Wagga unless they’re hear with the defence force.
Sadly I was too honest when she asked how long we would be in town – up to 1 year at the moment.
Her response kicked me into action:
Unfortunately you’re going to be seen as transient to anyone who asks why you came here. And I’d
also say you’re overqualified, and you’ll need to increase your availability (my only n/a time was 1
hour for each of the school run times – I was available 22 hours a day otherwise).
I had worked alongside a business coach for 6 years at that point, and after reaching out to her for a
coaching session for some brain unstuckery, she introduced me to the world of providing virtual

What has been the biggest challenge or fear you have had to overcome in business and how did you manage it?

By far it’s been pricing. I underpriced myself drastically in the beginning, and became burnt out 7
months in. I invested in training, which helped me to refine my services, set up pricing, and reclaim
my unpaid time

How do you achieve balance between relationships, work and personal needs (or kids, family and time out for yourself)?

All the important things are put into my calendar, and I am really good at saying No.

How did you prepare yourself to start your business?

While being in this industry was new to me, being in business isn’t. I was born into a household
where my dad was self employed, then my mum became self employed when I was 15. Throughout
my career years, I worked in different business structures, and for 9 years had many a side-hustle.

How do you know when you are ready to do something?

I don’t feel anxious at the thought. I’ve learned to pay attention to the ‘butterflies’, and understand
when they’re moths.

What have you put in place as a reminder to nurture your soul?

I have a plant that sits next to me on my desk as a reminder to tend to water myself.

In the beginning, how did you attract your first good clients?

I had really challenging ones! Dead set. Through networking, I met some incredible people who could
see what I did, how I did it, and I was really fortunate to meet good humans who shared my details
with other good humans.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Mumlife: Wake at son-rise, drag my tired legs straight to the miracle juicer (coffee machine), then
school prep, school runs.
Then Businessing: check my emails, follow my money, check in with my people, check their
inboxes/tasks/workloads, do-the-wrangling, generally have a Zoom meeting or 3; get distracted by the
CFO’s; on Friday’s I do podcast recording with my co-host as well.
Then back to mumlifehood: School runs, possibly some of my own business things are done in the
afternoon, or I study, attend appointments, and sigh many times over before fighting the “I’m not
eating that” dinner then bed routine.

What do you love most about what you do?

Connecting people with people. I could honestly just people hunt all day if I could get paid for it.

Who are your biggest role models or influencers that have impacted your career?

Rosie Shilo and Cat Matson have both guided me through this transition in business to being who and
where I am today

If time, money and resources were not an issue or concern, what would you most want to offer your clients? 

A community of people who genuinely want to connect, help others and don’t come straight in with
the salesyness in their connection.
When good people come together to share their expertise with others, real impact in other peoples
lives is experienced.

What do you want your clients to experience and feel during the program/process?

Held, looked after, and they know that someone is with them on their journey

I am a person who is curious, understands the difference between nice and kind, feels energy, and happily wears the title
of being unboxable.

How do you feel valued by your people around you?

Acts of service.

What do you think you need to possess or own to be viewed as successful, valued and recognised?

Bravery and a thick skin.
I see success as someone who is able to uphold their boundaries, define their own version of success
and lean into it.

How do you think you need to be seen?

As genuine.

How do you feel recognised by others?

As the primary carer of our kids with no network, any help or support that I receive is so graciously
received. In business, sharing my details with other good humans, and building my biz-illage means a

What do you need?

An in-person and online network

What’s next for you and your business?

A business directory for the Defence, Veteran and First Responders community; more connectivity in
the ‘real’ world, and a weekend away with my hubs only (at the time of writing this, we haven’t had a
child free night in over 6 years..).

How has working with me helped you?

As a human living with a disability, you’ve helped me embrace my ‘extra-skin-in-the-game’, and see
me in the way other people see me.

Hi there! I’m Amanda

I bring personality to light through emotively beautiful portrait photography.